Hope for Hard Times

Hope for Hard Times

Dear Friends, This week the UK passed a grim milestone, 100,000 deaths from COVID-19. The enormity of this tragedy is both shocking and unimaginable. Each loss is a person: a name, a face, a friend and family member, a person with a history and hopes for the future....
Living with Purpose

Living with Purpose

Many years ago, work as a Quantity Surveyor took me to Cullipool on the beautiful Island of Luing (If you’ve never visited Luing – then when we are able to travel more freely, I’d thoroughly recommend it). Having completed my site inspection, I headed to the slip to...
Build a Big Life

Build a Big Life

Philippians 1:1-11 “Wee-man” It was an odd nickname: “Tiny”, “Wee-man”. Yet it stuck. The name was “Paul” which meant “small.” Every letter he wrote or crowd he addressed heard his humble stature. He had been “Saul”, of course, which meant “one who asked and inquired...