Abide ~ Go ~ Do

Abide ~ Go ~ Do

Hello October I can’t quite believe today is the last day of September. Is it just me, or does the second half of the year seem to speed up? The change from one month to the next mirrors changes this coming Sunday. Together Last week was the last of the All-In...
Gears for God

Gears for God

Gears for God This week I heard a man interviewed who “makes gears for God”. Yes, you heard right. He was called out of “the Ministry” to turn his family manufacturing business into ministry, a kingdom company. His company became his congregation to serve and witness...

Faithful Presence – Insiders and Outsiders

I am enormously impressed by Daniel and his friends, and their resilience through the trauma of being torn away from their homes and exiled to Babylon at a young and very impressionable age. They didn’t let that experience result in a root of bitterness against the...
Faithfully present…

Faithfully present…

Are we there yet? Long journeys… remember them? Perhaps, with Covid restrictions easing, you have ventured further afield to visit friends or family, or you’ve gone somewhere just for the joy of being somewhere different. It strikes me that on most long journeys...
Even if…

Even if…

Oh, the things we teach our kids! Children’s ministry as I, at least, recall was spattered with stories of fear, violence, and war. I remember exactly where and when I first heard the story of the fiery furnace and the impossible-to-pronounce names of Shadrach,...
Faithfully present

Faithfully present

This week I have had the privilege of hanging out with a number of our young people for Magnitude (a Christian youth festival). We have had great fun laughing together, getting to know one another and thinking more about God’s call on our lives. It has been great to...
Bride of Christ

Bride of Christ

We’ve been looking at some of the New Testament images of church, and today we finish with a glorious picture – the Bride of Christ! Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:32 that marriage, in a great mysterious way, is a shadow of a greater reality – the union of...
Church as Witness

Church as Witness

I saw a remarkable photograph this week. I think it has gone viral. You may have seen it – an Orangutan holding out a helping hand to a man wading in a snake infested river. The photographer who took the picture said, “At a time when mankind is dying inside humans,...