Faithfully present – the title of our new series, but what does it look like? In the coming weeks we will be continuing to explore this through all our Sunday services and as we let you know about other things that are happening in the life of QP. More detail below…

Magnitude 2021

Last week we spent three days hanging out with a number of our young people for Magnitude 2021. It was a great few days with plenty of time to play games together, to chat, to worship and to explore more about God’s heart for our lives and for justice.

As part of our week, we took some time to learn about prayer walking and put it into practise. We spent Monday afternoon exploring the area around our Camphill building asking God to help us think and feel what He thinks and feels for the people and places where we were walking. And on Tuesday morning we broke the 100 mile mark and walked over 61 laps of Queen’s Park to raise money for IJM and Tearfund. Thank you to all who prayed for us and to all who sponsored us (we have raised an amazing £772.44).


This Sunday

This Sunday in all our services we will be pressing further into the stories of Daniel and what it means for us, in our age and context, to be faithfully present. Mairi will be sharing at the All-In service (great to see a good mix of people regularly coming along to this) and Iain will be speaking live in Camphill and at QPLive (it is great what the wonders of technology allow you to do).

At all our services we will be looking at Daniel 2 where the idol worshipping King Nebuchadnezzar is given a dream by the true and living God. Think about that for a moment … to further His purposes God speaks to a brutal idol worshipping king. This leaves us with the amazing thought; the freedom of the Spirit to blow where He wills, the majesty and sovereignty of God, means that He may speak to our friends, colleagues, neighbours, who presumably are not brutal, idol worshipping kings, but like Nebuchadnezzar, don’t yet know God, so that they understand the spiritual experiences they have had come from Him. In Daniel 2, key to God’s purposes being advanced was the faithful presence – the bold yet humble presence – of Daniel who interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.


With this in mind here’s a couple of questions to think about as you prepare to come along to the All-In service, or Camphill, or QPLive:

  1. Where do you see God at work in our city/country/world where like Daniel we need to come alongside?
  2. Do you have stories from this past year where people you know – who don’t yet know Jesus – have had a God-encounter? How did you deal with this? Are there lessons we can learn from each other?
