Last Sunday I was not at QPBC but was with the rest of my family to see my niece being baptised. It was great to see her, and six other people, take this next step in their discipleship journey.

Here at QPBC, we are also planning a service of baptism on 25 June. If you have not yet been baptised but are interested in finding out more, then please speak to myself, or just sign up for the baptism classes which start this Sunday. There is no obligation to be baptised just because you attend the class. You can sign up for the baptism classes HERE.

Catching up.

Last week we started a new series which we are calling, Further Up, Further in: Life Lessons from the Old Testament. Given I was in Balerno at my niece’s baptism I missed Iain’s sermon on Saul, but I was able to “catch up” on Monday by listening to the podcast. If like me, you missed Iain on Saul, you too can catch up by listening HERE or HERE, depending on which podcast platform you prefer listening on.


This Sunday Saul will again feature, but we will mainly be thinking about another king of Israel, i.e. David. However, we’ll be looking at David in 1 Samuel 17, which is before he is made king.

This is the famous account of David and Goliath. Rather than focus on the actual fight with Goliath, I want to focus on what is said to David by those around him and how he deals with this.

Indeed, I think a key question for us as we read this passage is not merely, “How does David deal with such negative comments?”, but “How is David able to deal with such negative comments?”.

What are your thoughts about how David is able to deal with such negative comments? How has God helped you break free from negative words which have been spoken over you?

See you all Sunday.
