Are you a lender or a borrower? Amongst our community group in Dennistoun we have developed a culture of sharing that means we have, over time, shared books, plates, chairs, cutlery, paintbrushes, lifts, potatoes, allen keys, carpet cleaners, strimmers; bunches of basil and, most importantly, the Glasgow-renowned ‘extra long ladder of Garthland Drive’. On my side of the city, we are borrowers and we are lenders.
I realise, though, that as I‘ve grown older I’m more likely to be a lender than a borrower. It’s just easier to own the item – that way you get to be generous, you’ll always have access to something when you need it, you can be in control of the item.
You can be in control of the item, and you can be in control of your life.
Being in control can be dangerous to the disciple. Discipleship – whole life, 100%, ‘all in’ discipleship to Jesus – means letting him be in control, and some of us find that hard! In the passage we’ll be studying this week we discover that Jesus is a borrower not a lender, and that giving Jesus a lend of your boat can turn your life upside down.
This week, we’re going to be delving into Luke 4:31-5:11, observing how Jesus lived amongst the community he grew up in, and particularly thinking about how Simon Peter’s encounter with Jesus on the lake meant led to deeper discipleship and a fresh understanding of who is really in control.
So, if you have time before Sunday, take a look at the passage, and invite God to reveal himself to you afresh through it. Where might you have grown complacent through control or fear? Are there areas of your life that Jesus is asking to be surrendered to him? Are you prepared for a fresh adventure with him?
Look forward to being with you on Sunday!
Fiona Stewart