We live in an amazing country, and, whether by public transport or private car, it is relatively easy to get out of Glasgow and explore beautiful scenery, historic buildings, and interesting towns and villages.

Down is up?

Somewhere I have not been since I was a child is the Croy Brae. Confusingly, the Croy Brae is nowhere near the town of Croy on the outskirts of Glasgow, next to Kilsyth. Rather, the Croy Brae is near Maybole and is better known as ‘The Electric Brae’. If you don’t already know, this is a famous optical illusion where the topography of the land either side of the road means that it looks as if the down-hill slope is going up-hill.

The optical illusion means that it looks like anything which can roll can do so uphill without any means of propulsion!

I suspect this phenomenon is best experienced on a bicycle, but I have a faint childhood memory of being in the car going home from a visit to Culzean Castle and my dad slipping the car into neutral on the brae, and as if my magic, the car coasted up the hill (which of course was downhill).

8:1 – 9:14

This Sunday we will be thinking about Hebrews chapter 8 through to chapter 9:14. How much of this we cover on Sunday you will have to wait and see. However, knowing this is the ground we will be covering why don’t you read this section of the book in preparation for what God will say to us when we listen to his word together on Sunday?

What is real?

The writer of Hebrews continues as he started in Chapter 1 by issuing a series of comparisons. This culminates in verse 6 of Chapter 8:

“But Jesus has now obtained a more excellent ministry, and to that degree he is the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted through better promises.”

Proceeding this verse the writer introduces the idea of that which is a shadow and that which is true, that which is really real, to build up to this comparison in verse 6.

Just as our eyes can deceive us on The Electric Brae, so our vision of God’s purposes and ways can be distorted by what is a shadow, a pale reflection of the real thing.

Yes, our world is real, but it is a reality which points to a more excellent reality, a foreshadowing of the greater reality which has come in Christ Jesus and will come in its fulness in New Heavens and New Earth.

It is this reality which we are called to encounter, to focus on, and to allow to shape our lives.


This Sunday we have a guest preacher, Kenny Innes. Kenny is The Hub Director for WTC in Scotland [WTC = Westminster Theological Centre] and is also host of their podcast TheoDisc. Before working with WTC Kenny was in pastoral and worship ministry for 19 years and he is still active in leadership in Falkirk Vineyard.

I’m looking forward to having Kenny with us and hearing what God is going to say to us through his ministry with us.

See you all Sunday.
