I’m writing this on Wednesday and the acute angle of the wintery sun is bathing the red sandstone of Niddrie Square in a wonderful light. It is, in my opinion, on clear wintery days like this that Glasgow looks at its best.


Did you sense there was a but coming? But then I look down and see the potholes and litter I realise that even at its best, Glasgow is not at its best!

Our Cry

To cry out to God in prayer, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is on heaven” is to cry for Glasgow to be at its best. It is to cry out for our own transformation and the transformation of every person we know or can think of!

This Sunday

This Sunday we will be thinking about what we are asking for by praying “Your kingdom come” and the implications of this request.

Last week when speaking about God as our Father Iain highlighted the importance of revelation and the dangers of projection.

There is a danger, in this first section of the prayer, that we project our ideas and wishes onto who God is and equally what His kingdom is like.


So, to cry out for God’s kingdom to come we need to be rooted in the stories of the kingdom which we find in scripture. It is in scripture that we see the kingdom revealed to us.

This leaves me wondering, when you think of the kingdom of God, what Bible passages or stories do you turn to?

Feel free to let me know by emailing the office.

See you Sunday
