We are not a life group as such, but a book group who meet in a coffee shop or pub in the local community to discuss the book we are reading.
We take our name from Stephen Cherry’s 2011 Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book, Barefoot Disciple: Walking the way of Passionate Humility.
Don’t worry you don’t need to literally be barefoot to come along, rather this is a metaphor for being connected with our surroundings and the people around us and feeling what is going on and listening for what God is doing. So, we meet in public spaces as an act of being “barefoot” and as we read and discuss we pray that we grow as disciples for the sake of the world.
We meet on Sunday evenings, 7pm.
We don’t meet on the first Sunday of the month as we have the church prayer meeting.
Watch out for info in the Weekly Update for the next book we are going to read and our schedule of meetings.
Camphill building
20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QS
The Point (church office)
180 Queen's Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QD
Usually 10am to 4pm weekdays
0141 423 3962